What do you do with all your outgrown dance costumes and dancewear?

As a dance mom, I have spent tons of $$$ on dancewear - costumes, leotards, shoes, tights, leggings, hair accessories, and dancebags!  When your dancer outgrows all those things, what do you do with them?  

Year after year, I have stuffed them away in the closet and drawers.  Am I thinking that I will someday pull those out again and reminisce?  Most likely not! 

Then I got the thought....why not make a website so people like myself can list their dancewear that is still in good shape and sell it to others?  Think of it as a way to earn money on your items or even get great deals on other people's dancewear!  It's a win, win!  Dancewear doesn't have to cost a fortune!

So now there is finally a place where the dance world can come together!  No more needing to go to eBay or Poshmark.  Dancewearcloset.com is all things dance! 

Do you want to sell your outgrown leotards?  Perfect, post them on the site!  How about costumes that your dancer only wore a few times?  Yes, post them too!  What about hair accessories?  Yes, list those as well!  What about activewear?  Yes, we love those!   Anything dealing with dance that you think others would like, post that!  We take new items, pre-owned items, big items, small items, and every other dance item in between.

So what's in your closet?  Sounds like you need to get posting some items.  Head to dancewearcloset.com and click on the top bar to get started.  Now don't keep this information to yourself!  Share this with your dance friends!